This Just In!!!

Some HIGHLY suspicious computer graphic work from the moon and our beloved DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSIVENESS

An amazing altered picture (though not altered well) right from the Navy and the Pentagon Clementine site at:

Look for yourself for the pictures from 73 Latitude and 238 Longitude. Put your browser on 1 pixel = 2 kilometers. Hurry before they "lose" this picture!!!

Do you see the obvious rectangular area near the upper center of the picture that sloppy Pentagon graphics "technicians" tried to cut out and "paste" in another piece of the moon? I know sometimes the 'mosaic' process of tiling together pictures from orbiting satellites can cause "seams" to show up - but that patch of moon really looks screwy!

Also near the bottom edge of the picture there are a number of vertical areas that clearly appear to be electronically "smudged."

What did they edit out?

Why is the defense department even interested in mapping the moon? Do they plan on defending us from something from 'out there?'

Did I miss a government lesson in school? Let's see, isn't NASA supposed to do stuff like explore the moon and space, and the Navy and Pentagon is supposed to defend us from bad guys down here?? Why is the Navy mapping the moon and scrambling the maps?

Hey, guys get your cover-up act together!!

Eventually, the entire system of cover-ups could be consolidated into a monolithic system in charge of covering-up EVERYTHING - even the very existence of God. Sort of like the old "Soviet System"... hey wait, I think they're doing it already!!!

As Charlie Brown used to say, "AAAAAARG!!!!!!"

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